The beginning of the day
Played out in an oh so lovely way
With a pink and blue sky
(which means that the shepherd will soon die).
After the rise of the sun
And a quick coffee run
To a writing workshop I did go
And try get the creative juices to flow.
"To flow" may have been a bit too ambitious
And quickly I grew rather suspicious
As to whether these juices
Had given up all their gooses.
I managed on a page to scribble
A few rambles (all complete dribble)
But I had a good time
And it inspired this post of rhyme.
Shakespeare has done it
And Dr Seuss too
And, on occasion, Winnie the Pooh.
"So it's possible, yes?",
My mind ventured the guess.
Why not give it a shot
To lose, what have I got?
And that's just what I'm doing
I'm Winnie the Poohing!
Oh that bear, what a honey,
All yellow and sunny.
This previous eve
A film I did see
It was as dandy as the knee of the bee!
Through song, dance and cheese
The delightful story did breeze
It did, however, make we want to scream
How Meryl Streep was HARDLY on screen!
I knew that her role would be small
But nothing could have prepared me how little, almost not at all.
When her face finally did appear
I admit, I did shed a tear
My heart burst with a happy glow
As Meryl obviously stole the show.
To all who sat within my arm's reach
I apologise for how your personal space they did breech.
They flung up and out, uncontrolled
When of the mic, Meryl took hold.
Thanks to my neighbour for her grace
For she managed to not turn and punch me in the face.
My age I did not act
I know that for a fact.
But if Meryl features, I simply do not care.
Sho guys, Meryl has such flare.
Meryl Streep is the best.
On this, do not with me test.
To violence I will resort
There will be no civil talk.
I will unsheathe the blades, bullets and tools
To deal with you fools.

Seventeen Sunrises tick tick
Seventeen photos click click.
For your time, to you a big squeeze
As you are the folks these posts aim to please!