Hello, it’s nice to meet you. Thank you for taking the time to click on this link, I greatly appreciate it. And thanks to whatever led you here. If it was a mistake, well, you’re here now and I hope your internet disconnects momentarily so that you have no choice but to spend the next two minutes here. I will try and make it worth your while.
“Okay,” you say, “so I’m here. But where is ‘here’ and who are you?”
Who am I? Good question. If anyone knows the answer I would appreciate it if you would send it my way. It is this very question that has brought me to this rather quiet corner of the bustling web. I like to think of this blog as the little shop selling slightly unnerving ceramic figurines on the bottom floor of a popular shopping mall. Perhaps over the space of a week only three people will wonder in, realise they're not in Le Creuset, smile politely and hurriedly leave. The old lady at the desk (probably name Meuriel) just smiles back and returns to polishing the slightly unnerving figurines for no one but herself because it is what brings her that quiet contentment that we are all searching for.
Anyway, what I do know so far is that my name is Natalie, what's your name? That's nice, I heard that means "strength of the granite rock" in Latin. Anyway, I am confident that I enjoy the smell of vanilla essence, fairly certain that I will always find great joy walking in a place where there is minimal man-made interference and I'm still making up my mind as to whether I prefer the green or the red Tabasco sauce (I am leaning towards the green one though).
Where is "here"? Well, it is a place that seems as pointless and disorganised as a ceramic figurine shop, my noggin. Here you will find an amalgamation of all sorts of ramblings. I started this blog to document my journey through a series of 21 day challenges. My doing these challenges was an attempt to push myself out of my comfort zone, grab life by its gahoonies and make it count. Mainly, it is an excuse for me to ramble and write, something I rather enjoy doing. I do not, however, enjoy sharing my ramblings and writing with people because that is scary and exposing but I am trying the whole "pushing myself out of my comfort zone" thing. On this blog, you will not find engaging political articles, tales of my time backpacking through Siberia armed with only a butter knife and a hessian sack, or reports on the latest in pop culture. There are a lot of blogs that do all of that infinitely better than I could. I wish I could promising a daily post but life is unpredictable -things often don’t turn out in the perfect way that I intend them to. Isn’t it annoying when that happens? I will try my best though. But, for goodness sake, once, just once, it would be so lovely if things worked out in accordance with my romantised ideals. That is all I ask for? Alas, that is not how life works. If it did work that way, I suppose it would be rather boring and we would all complain about that. Lately I am trying to come to accept the fact that "what will be will be". Urg. Everything happens for a reason and turns out as it should in the end. Urg. Yes, sometimes (like, a lot) I want to turn to The Fates, with their stupid string and stupid decision making, wave my fists and shout at them for being uncooperative about previously mentioned romantised ideals. They will then look at me for the mere mortal that I am, roll their eyes and get back to their business of dictating destinies and being far wiser than I am.
What can I promise you will get out of this blog? Absolutely nothing! I sincerely hope you will get something out of it but this, I cannot guarantee. At the very least, I hope to bring a smile to your face, whether you are laughing with or at me. Thank you for taking the time to wonder into my little shop, as small an action as it may seem, it means an awful lot to me and I greatly appreciate it.
If you feel so inclined, please subscribe to get notifications of new posts. There is also an Instagram account for you to follow @some_daze_. I would love hear your thoughts and opinions on anything and everything, however unrelated you may think it is. Please share them with me either through commenting or sending a message under the CONTACT tab.
Cool, let’s go do some things now.